Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, October 14, 2006

14 October 2006

I've been watching lots of television while the girl is gone--and last night I turned to one of my old stand-bys: The Food Network.

And I loved her before--but now I'm positively over the MOON about her. I'm talking about PAULA DEEN. ("HEY Y'ALL!") Her new show Paula's Party (Friday's at 10p) is an absolute blast! She's charming, sassy, and flirty (hello, double-entendres!) One reviewer even called her FRISKY:

"What might surprise fans is Deen's friskiness during the episode. I've never heard so many references to "tail" in a single episode of any show, and Deen manages to feed, stroke and even climb into bed with audience members during the show."

Yup--Paula actually climbsinto bed with a couple--right there on the set--with a huge plate of French toast with raspberry sauce. Fabulous.

She clearly loves being in the precence of a live audience-- who invariably breaks into cheers and applause whenever Paula calls for multiple sticks of butter for a recipe (which--if you watch any of her shows--is OFTEN).

Mark my words: Paula's campiness, bawdiness, and drag-queeny qualities will make her and this show a MAJOR hit among the gays.

By the way--here's the link to her Savannah restaurant, The Lady & Sons.

Friday, October 13, 2006

13 October 2006

Ellie. Not so much into Halloween costumes.

13 October 2006

I love my boyfriends. (Thanks for the pic Tony Boo!)

13 October 2006

So, my hair smells like a pina colada (or Panama Jack suntan oil.) I bought new shampoo and conditioner the other day--one of the ingredients: coconut milk. I THOUGHT the scent would be "subtle." Let's just say, lesson learned.

13 October 2006

* Our new cleaning lady accidentially locked our cat, Ellie, in the girl's closet (by accident) yesterday. I got suspicious because Ellie usually runs (or "lumbers" in Ellie's case) to greet me when I get home from work--yesterday, nothing. So I called her and heared a muffled "mew" from upstairs. I opened up the closet door and out she sprang. She was fairly traumatized, but she eventually bounced back. (After lots of pets and Pounce treats.) She did "relieve herself" --as it were-- in the closet--but I was able to clean it up without much fuss. (And thank GOD she didn't get the girl's skates!)

* Noticed that Buffalo got 2 feet of snow yesterday. Looks like Syracuse missed it. It would have made my mom REALLY bitter.

* In searching to see if Syracuse got any snow, I came across THIS story about GoogleTrends--the words Syracusans search for the most using the ubiquitous search engine. The top words: Hillary Clinton, Carmelo Anthony (former SU basketball star), NY Yankees AND (no surprise here) snowfall, snowplow, and snow tires.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

12 October 2006

I've been texting alot with the girl while she is in San Fran--I really dislike text messaging, but we're finding it's a good way to communicate given the time difference. She manages to call when she can in between events.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11 October 2006


* The girl is in San Francisco for the next 5 days for a medical conference. Sigh. Thank goodness I'll be busy at work, so the time will go by fast. (Not fast enough, of course.)

* A young woman that used to work here is now an on-air reporter for the ABC affiliate in Des Moines, Iowa. She's been doing a lot of political stories and has been asking my advice on who to talk to, how to frame her story, etc. She sent me the final product of her recent piece. I'm so proud! Check it out HERE.

* Happy Coming Out Day, by the way! I came out many years ago--but I'm finding it's truly a never ending process. Which is actually very empowering and affirming for me. Go Gays!

* I'm enjoying the story about Barbra Streisand telling a heckler to "Shut the f@#K up" in the middle of one of her concerts. I mean, I love Barbra. I love her voice. Her music. She's truly a legend. But people spend MANY of hundreds of dollars to hear that voice. We ALL know where she stands politically. Give it a rest, sister.

* The girl and I are really enjoying the new show "Ugly Betty." (It's one of the few shows we BOTH enjoy.) Except they TOTALLY ripped off our office caper--the infamous bunny stealing story. (See my post from 7.30.06).

From the Washington Post: "The second episode is all about a mockup for the next issue of the magazine being stolen and then recovered, although at the very end, there's a crash of thunder and an ominous "to be continued." (On a more serious note, Betty's stuffed bunny also disappears, and foul play is suspected.) Cliffhangers seem inappropriate and unnecessary on such a lighthearted show."