Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, April 28, 2007

28 April 2007

The girl is out of town this weekend, so I'm spending the next couple of days catching up with friends and finishing up some projects around the house. Among the items on my list: cleaning out the trunk of my car. It's clearly a task I haven't completed in years. Here are just some of the items I found. Seriously.

1) Tiara
2) Magic wand (with a star on the end and everything.)
3) Various mix cassette tapes made by my college boyfriend
4) Frisbee
5) Hawaiian lei (with fabric flowers)
6) Softball glove (I AM a lesbian afterall.)

Just so you know, I did find things that actually might be useful to a car owner, such as motor oil, various maps, anti-freeze, jumper cables, bungee cords, and flares.