Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, January 14, 2006

14 January 2006

So last night -- as I was watching figure skating with my partner -- I got a blackberry message that an airstrike in Pakistan MIGHT have killed Al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Interesting. The note was sent from our star Pentagon correspondent who said it was possibly a CIA predator drone armed with "HELL FRIES" (missiles) that took aim at the compound. We're all adults. We're all news professionals. We know this is a breaking news situation where information is coming fast and furious. It was obviously a typo. But our industrious 22 year-old desk assistant felt compelled to send out another message to point out that the missiles were indeed HELL FIRES, not HELL FRIES. We all had a good laugh about it this morning at work...("do you want hell fries with that shake?")

Friday, January 13, 2006

13 January 2006

Random Bush quote of the day:

"She loves freedom. ... And now I'm going to take her to lunch" -- Bush, bonding with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

12 January 2005

So in between conversations on NSA wiretapping and the Alito hearings, my colleagues here in the newsroom just got into a conversation about the 80s sit-com Diff'rent Strokes...including a rousing chorus of the theme song. There's even an entire website dedicated to the program, which provided us much entertainment this afternoon. I also love Jump the Shark's write-up about it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

11 January 2006

One of our correspondents at the Alito hearings just called in to say that Alito's wife just left the hearing in tears. It was apparently during a line of questioning by Senator Graham about how "hard" the confirmation process has been on his family. If you want a "hard" confirmation process, she should go talk to Clarence Thomas's wife. This ain't bean bag, sister!

11 January 2006

There's something a little pathetic that DC's drinking water meeting federal standards for a full year is FRONT PAGE NEWS on the Washington Post. I've lived here long enough to remember having to BOIL water for a few days, because of dangerous lead levels.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

10 January 2006


I am a television news producer. I produce a public affairs television program. I make my living on what's happening in Washington. It's what pays the mortgage. And drinks. I'm a news/politics junkie. The Sam Alito Supreme Court hearings are completely unwatchable. I'm participating in a sleep study Thursday night. As a public service for any insomniacs who might be attending, I'm going to bring a VHS tape of Senator Mike DeWine questionsing Alito on executive authority. Two words: Pain. Ful.

10 January 2006

My partner called -- from her place of business -- to direct me to the build-a-bear site so I could see the "skating bear." I THINK I was successful in convincing her not to purchase this item. I mean, she IS a figure skater, but c'mon now.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

8 January 2006

It was nearly 50 degrees today with sunny skies, so I took off for a long walk on Sligo Creek trail, part of which is right around the corner from the house. It was so nice looking at the trees and beautiful scenery, occasionally saying hello to people passing and petting some dogs. I was impressed at how well kept up the trail was. There's an organization called "Friends of Sligo Creek" that helps maintain it.

I had to laugh on the way home, though. You know those "Adopt-A-Road" signs? Well, the group VEGETARIANS OF DC bought a stretch of Piney Branch Parkway. I mean, Silver Spring is known for being quite liberal, but it still made me chuckle.