Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, July 15, 2006

15 July 2006

Still at work--and please don't ask me how--but we all somehow got on the topic of Charlotte Church just now. Remember her? She was a child prodigy of sorts, earning her claim to fame as a classical performer.

Well now she's gotten all slutty. You should check out the Google images sometime.

15 July 2006

Had our usual 830am conference call today to discuss what we're covering for today's show --and on the network throughout the day.

It's comprised of producers in both New York, Washington, and in several bureaus.

It's usually a mundane affair--except that today there was an unmistakable sound of someone full-on SNORING on the call.

Good times.

Friday, July 14, 2006

14 July 2006

Officially in the "dog days" here in DC. The weather is hot and muggy--it was nearly 80 degrees when I woke up this morning. The air conditioning wasn't working in the metro, either. Good times.

This item made me laugh though. Apparently there's a town in South Carolina called SUGAR TIT. Seriously. The good folks at National Journal pointed it out in "Wake Up Call."
"J. Chuck Hembree, who declared proudly that he likes to go by "Bubba," told Greer Mayor Rick Danner, "The only reason we want to stay in Sugar Tit is because it's country."

If for some reason you want to read the rest of the story, you can read it HERE.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

12 July 2006

Entertained about 30 students from UCLA today at the bureau. Tour, talk, Q & A, that sort of thing. There was one guy and the rest were girls---all blonde, wearing flip-flops, short skirts, and tank tanks with those spaghetti straps. Lots of giggling. Good times. I did it as a favor to one of my buddies at UCLA. He owes me. Big Time.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11 July 2006

Think I'm getting a summer cold. Good times. It's no wonder -- I've been on the go alot lately.

Went to Syracuse for the 4th, which was awesome---just not very restful. Lots of family events & entertaining (including my mom's birthday!). Then when I returned to DC, work was very busy. Early mornings, late evenings, very busy days. Then we had a birthday party Saturday night for a very dear friend--an event I attended after working an 11 hour day. At least I had a relaxing day at home with the girl Sunday. Reading, napping, cuddling, cooking out. It was so nice to be around the house--doing nothing!

A couple of Silver Sprung items:

1) The oh-so-hip DCist website--running a bit about Silver Spring "Envy." Read about it HERE. I was hoping to keep Silver Spring's "cool factor" somewhat of a secret (it's hard enough to get a table for dinner on a Friday night downtown)--but it's nice to see my little hamlet getting some play on the "hip" blogs.

2) The 4th of July picnic in nearby Garrett Park (in Montgomery County) devolves into a political correctness seminar. It was a "pig roast" -- that (naturally) was the subject of a protest by some crazy vegetarian. A man--clad only in an apron--with a pig nose and an apple in his mouth--showed up at the picnic and made a scene. The sight apparently traumatized the neighborhood kids and pissed off the parents. Classic. The Washington Post has a write-up about the story HERE.