Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, March 17, 2006

17 March 2006

OMG. The guys in transmission had video from one of our shows last night showing one of our panelists FULL-ON choking on the air (but off camera) and spitting an entire mouthful of tea onto the host of the program. You could totally see the spray hitting the host's lapel and the desk. Hi-larious. The host, to his credit, totally kept his composure but apparently during the next commercial break everyone busted out laughing.

Reminds me of the time one of my female co-hosts was LACTATING during a live program. I kept telling the director to push in (so you could only see her face and neck.)

Ah, the fun of live television.

17 March 2006

The girl and I are off to Arizona for the next five days to visit friends. Packing has been a challenge. We'll be in Northern AZ for two days...Flagstaff, Sedona, and of course, the Grand Canyon where it's cold (we're talking 7000 feet above sea level)...and then we head back down to the desert in Phoenix where it's hot. Such problems, right?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

16 March 2006

EVERYBODY IN THE POOL! March Madness has officially taken over our workplace. Most of the bureau is involved in a pool and it's totally crazy. I had a meeting earlier today and had people blackberry me scores. And my wife doesn't know it yet, but I plan on watching basketball tonight, too!

Two other funny things today:

1) Former porn star and GOP (yes, GOP) California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey stopping by the bureau today for an on-camera interview. She's in town for President Bush's big fundraiser tonight for the National Republican Congressional Committee. (Look, I wouldn't book her, so don't even start with me.) Word is Ms. Carey did NOT have any underwear on....this according to our studio crew. As I say...Klassy with "K." (Guess we couldn't get Jessica Simpson who was in town today to promote her fave charity "Operation Smile.")

2) I've been inundated recently with crazy spam emails on my work account. It's been the usual suspects: offers for various medications delivered to my home, products that can enlarge my penis (thanks), and then the various international offers from weird businessmen. This is the opening paragraph from a spam mail I got today: "Dear friend,I got your address from the personality search with the Ghana chamber of commerce and i which to solicite your cooperation for this business of great magnitude however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will." Well, THAT'S good to know. And how fun that I'm listed in Ghana's Chamber of Commerce!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

15 March 2006

Just noticed this daffodil in my front yard this morning...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

14 March 2006

The Washington Post's Reliable Sources actually had some good stuff in it today.

1) The press pool catching a glimpse of President Bush before his bike ride Saturday...wearing pink socks. VERY manly.

2) Bill & Hillary Clinton taking a hike in Rock Creek park Saturday. Man, I would have loved to seen that. I just hope neither of them was wearing shorts. Two words: PAS-TY.

14 March 2006

Definitely feels like March again after yesterday's foray into summer. It was 85 degrees during the day -- and 73 when we went to bed last night! Crazy. Took the new clubs for a swing yesterday at a local course. I was so proud of myself. My two main goals: 1) not to hold up play, and 2) not look like a complete ass. I managed to do both, I'm happy to say. I even made some good looking shots, if I do say so myself. I definitely hit some clunkers, but none were out of play. Noticed some buds on several trees in our backyard...even the magnolia tree is JUST starting to sport some pink flowers. I never noticed spring when I lived in the was something that just happened; all of sudden all the leaves and flowers were out, seemingly in one day. Now, with so many trees and flowers surrounding our house, it's much more gradual process for me...I notice the little things, the buds, the flowers just starting to bloom. The grass getting greener and higher.

update 344pm. Just saw this in the wires. See golf IS addicting!
"SEOUL, South Korea Mar 14, 2006 (AP)— South Korea's prime minister resigned Tuesday after drawing a firestorm of criticism for playing golf rather than overseeing the government's response to a railway strike." Damn!