Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, March 31, 2006

31 March 2006

I boldly decided not to wear a coat to work today. It's supposed to hit the mid-70s.
The girl and I are hosting a cookout tonight with our friends, Jen and Paul. Just some hotdogs and burgers on the grill and we got all the fixin's for some daquiris. Oh, and our magnolia tree in our backyard is in full bloom. Will post a picture.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

29 March 2006

Random thoughts today:

1) The ultra-right, crazy conservative group Family Research Council invited me to sit at their table at the ultra-right, crazy conservative Media Research Council awards next week. I politely declined. I'm sure they had NO idea I am a big ol' dyke. Would have made for interesting dinner conversation, though.

2) Our neighborhood association in Silver Spring is all up in arms over a proposed development of a home for "formerly homeless adults" in our neighborhood. I know this area is liberal, but I'm heartened by the fact that real concerns have been raised about this project...that it's not all this bleeding heart stuff. Everyone's getting organized and demanding answers and we'll all be attending a community meeting Monday night, guns blazing. It's kind of fun!

3) Noticed this from today's HOTLINE: "It's obviously topic du jour. ... Pretty fancy, huh? 'Topic du jour'" -- Pres. Bush, in Mexico.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

28 March 2006

Just came across a story about a Connecticut town being a cat. The cat's name is Lewis -- and Lewis has personally been issued a restraining order. The story is here. The BEST though is the graphic that accompanied the story. LOVE the police tape.

28 March 2006

The hosts of my show are getting a private briefing with President Bush today. THAT should be interesting. I'll report back what I hear.

An industry website/blog called "Media Bistro" is sponsoring a NCAA bracket contest for the "chattering class" -- i.e. pundits. You might be interested to know that the "final four" are: Femme fatale/NYT columnist Maureen Dowd, Syndicated Columnist (and Putlizer Prize winner) Charles Krauthammer, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, and Newsweek columnist Howard Fineman. I've met all of them. I know 3 of them fairly well. I hope Charles wins.

28 March 2006

Some pics from our Arizona trip...I can send a link to the whole album to friends and family. Just let me know.

A shot of the beautiful Red Rocks of Sedona..about 2 1/2 hours north of Phoenix. We spent a day and a half here. Lots of restaurants, galleries, and shops all surrounded by these beautiful rocks.

Another shot:

A shot of the gorgeous Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa. My partner and my buddy's wife treated themselves to a spa day here. It was DEFINITELY more my partner's speed. She was most definitely NOT into what she called "Frontierland" -- i.e. Northern Arizona! We joined them (with the kids) in the afternoon for some sun and a swim. The resort is so old school--I love it. It was built in the 30s and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Every President since FDR has been there.

A view from atop South Mountain in Phoenix. You can JUST make out the skyline of Phoenix and Camelback Mountain. It just was just about to rain there -- just the 3rd time in 143 days. Took this shot after an hour-long horseback ride at the base of the mountain.