Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, January 07, 2006

7 January 2006

Just finished a live show. I'm usually pumped up on adrenaline after one of these, but tonight I'm just totally wiped out. My show was a half-hour, but my hosts and crew and I are on stand-by until the top of the hour in case Sharon croaks. (We in TV can be so insensitive! It's a coping mechanism. Usually.) Anyway, even though I'd love to go home after a 14 hour day, it is nice hanging out in a nice control room watching the Redskins game in High Def!

Friday, January 06, 2006

6 January 2005

Somehow in the midst of the Ariel Sharon death watch I noticed this little "sugar plum:" BALTIMORE is America's Fittest City, according to Men's Fitness magazine. That's right, Bawlmer, hon. The city of crab cakes and National Bohemian beer. I mean Baltimore's cool and all and it's definitely making a comeback, but Charm City actually beat HONOLULU for top honors, forgodsakes. What's up with THAT?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

5 January 2006

So I just went to and you know how they have recommendations -- based on your tastes/past purchases -- on the homepage when you log in?

My three are: The Enduring Shore: A History of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket. Preservation Hall Jazz Band: Best of the Early Years. And last, but CERTAINLY not least: The Golden Girls: The Complete Third Season. Fabulous.

UPDATE: Sassy and Ellie are officially "friends" on Catster.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

4 January 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!

My partner made me cupcakes to bring in to work today. When I was back in school my birthday always fell during the winter break so I never got to bring in cupcakes for my classmates. My colleagues were very appreciative and I got to feel -- for a few minutes at least -- like a kid again. (I like to ACT like a kid a lot, but..well, you know what I mean.)

Oh, and a Circuit Court judge in my Maryland county (Montgomery) ruled yesterday that MOONING (yes, exposing one's buttocks in public) is distasteful -- not illegal --in Maryland.

All is right with the world.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

3 January 2006

Two interesting DC items of note.

1) Redskins star runningback Clinton Portis' MOTHER punching a woman in the face
at last Sunday's Eagles game in Philly. Apparently in retaliation for throwing a beer bottle in her direction. Portis' response: "She busted some lady in the nose, but that'll just teach you about messing with her." Fabulous.

2) And former mayor Marion "Bitch-set-me-Up" Barry getting robbed at gunpoint in Southeast DC. Again, fabulous.

3 January 2006

So this terrible story about the trapped miners in West Virginia is dominating the news today...and I realize that I risk sounding a little cavalier with this next nugget, but this is -- word for word -- a note a senior producer in New York wrote in a company-wide email: "TUESDAY UPDATE: Be careful with spellings. MINERS work underground. MINORS are people you shouldn't date."

3 January 2006

I GUESS I'm happy to be back at work after a week or so off. It's very easy to get lazy. But I was getting a little bit bored. I mean, last night, my partner and I were checking Ellie's profile on Catster to see if she acquired any more "friends." (She has.) And we asked a cat named "Sassy" to be Ellie's friend. And, FYI, we haven't heard back from "her" yet. Why do I have the feeling I'm back in high school? first post-vacation assignment was to cover a press conference at the Department of Homeland Security. Secretary Chertoff briefed. In between furiously scribbling down notes and trying to stay awake, I wondered to myself how shitty a job it must be to be in charge of making sure we don't get hit by another terrorist attack. And you think YOU have a hard time getting to sleep at night. Tough gig. He's also way shorter than I imagined.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

1 January 2006

Happy New Year, eveyone! Okay, okay. I registered Ellie on Catser. As a joke. Really. And today she's received three requests from other cats wanting to be "friends" with her. One of them is from our NOLA friend's cat -- Otis -- so that doesn't count. (No word on why their other cat, Roxy, doesn't want to be friends. She'll come around, I'm sure.) This could be fun. Or disturbing.