Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, January 21, 2006

21 January 2006

I didn't believe there could be Democrats in worse shape in other parts of the world than the ones here in the U.S. Oh, but there is. The British newschannel SKY just broke the story that a MARRIED Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament was forced to resign over a "RENT BOY" flap. Yup. That was the exact phrase the British tabloids and networks used. I, as an American, of course had no idea what that was. My suspicions were confirmed when a quick google search revealed that a "rent boy" is slang for a young male prostitute. Damn, I love the British. Anyway, this MP -- who was running for a leadership position in Parliament -- is now pulling out of the race. And that's not all. After a cursory search on the web on THAT story, I discovered that the Liberal Democrat leader in the House of Lords just admitted to being an alcoholic. Makes Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid look pretty darn good. Well, actually on second thought -- they're still pretty lame.

21 January 2006

Occasionally on Fridays the guys and I get pizza here at work. Inevitably we have some left over, and we so enjoy our pizza breakfasts Saturday morning. (We produce a live news show on Saturdays.) But oftentimes we come in and its GONE...eaten, allegedly, by someone on the overnight assignment desk. This, despite writings all over the box saying "DO NO EAT, SAVED FOR XXX STAFF," etc. Well, yesterday we showed them. We took half a roll of red gaffer's tape and taped up the box and wrote "DANGER, POISON!" and drew skulls and crossbones all over it. Well, our pizza was intact this morning, but some poor schmuck lost his meal for today. Taped on the freezer this morning in the kitchen was a note: "To the person who stole my Shrimp Lo Mein frozen dinner: You Suck."

Friday, January 20, 2006

20 January 2006

OMG. Check out Leif Garrett's official mug shot. Damn.

20 January 2006

This just crossed the wires. A step toward gay marriage in our state. I know it's a long road, but at last -- some hope:

Judge rules against Maryland's ban on same-sex marriage
Eds: UPDATES thruout; ADDS byline
Associated Press Writer
BALTIMORE (AP) -- A Baltimore judge ruled Friday that Maryland's law against same-sex marriage "cannot withstand constitutional challenge," although she stayed action pending appeal.
Murdock wrote that "although tradition and societal values are important, they cannot be given so much weight that they alone will justify a discriminatory statutory classification."
A lawsuit filed in Baltimore by 19 gay men and women contended that Maryland's ban on same-sex marriages violates the guarantee of equal rights under the state constitution.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

19 January 2006

So me and the guys at work have this running gag. Whenever someone gets up from their computer, one of us runs over and puts a stupid screensaver on it. Like a picture of Strawberry Shortcake, or Liberace, or David Hasselhoff in a Speedo, or some random boy band. You get the idea. Well, today was my turn. I just came back from a meeting and found the above picture on my desktop. Well, to our delight, this fella has his own website called Pixyland. It's absolutely, positively hilarious. Oh, and this guy says he's STRAIGHT. Yes, there's a part of his website entitled "ISO of Tinkerbell" in which he goes through great pains to tout his heterosexuality. This dude is fruitier than any gay guy I know.

19 January 2006

So my partner just called to ask if we were busy on a particular date later this month. I said no, why? She says her place of employment is holding a fundraiser that which her co-worker is STRIPPING. Fabulous.

19 January 2006

Am I the only one who could give a sh*t about Pluto? After 3 scrubs, NASA finally launched an unmanned space probe today to that planet. The spacecraft is called "New Horizons." Sounds like a re-hab place. Anyway, the thing's not going to get there until the year 2015 and when they get there they are going to study the ring of icy rocks around the planet. Now, I don't want to sound too down on NASA. It just seems a little -- how shall I say -- FRIVOLOUS considering there are thousands of people in the Gulf living in campers with no jobs.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

18 January 2006

Ok, so there's this geeky guy at my work who constantly asks me out to lunch, and for drinks after work, and generally acts like a 15 year old around me. He just came around my desk and we shared a halting, awkward conversation where he stammered a few times and looked down at his feet. It's like he was about to ask me to the Homecoming dance. It would be endearing if this kid wasn't so damn clueless. Everyone around me knows I'm gay and thinks it's THE funniest thing. Perhaps I should direct this kid to the website I mean, it's not like I'm some drop dead gorgeous femme,like my partner, where one could possibly be confused. Dude!

18 January 2006

Shocking news. (Yes, that was in a sarcastic tone.) 70s heart-throb Leif Garrett's been arrested in LA on drug charges. (He's 44 now, BTW. How did THAT happen?) The story in the LA Times is here. If anyone's ever seen the VH1 "Behind the Music" on him you know he's been a trainwreck for years. Meanwhile, back in the day -- with my then long, blonde curly locks --I was a DEAD RINGER for the guy. Minus the horse.

18 January 2006

I hate to admit it, but my partner and I are excited about Fox's new show "Skating with Celebrities." Oh yeah, and Dorothy Hamill is STILL hot.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

17 January 2006

Two fun items in the media:

1) High drama at The Weather Channel. (I never thought I'd ever type THAT sentence!) Seems they have a nasty age discrimination lawsuit on their hands. Apparently one of their FEMALE execs wanted all the older female anchors fired, to make room for some younger cuties. The New York Post was all over the story.

2) And Ashleigh Banfield (formerly of MSNBC) is back on Court TV. She's a piece of work. I'll never forget one of my buddies at MSNBC calling me the morning of GWB's inauguration in 2000 to tell me Banfield's freelance crew (camera, sound, lighting man) LEFT her, took off, sayonara, because she was such a b*tch to work with.

17 January 2006

Just got an email from our assignment desk that New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is making himself available to go on-the-air to "explain the controversial statements he made yesterday." Read them for yourselves here. (These are the ones where he says that "God is mad at America" and that's why He sent all those hurricanes last year.) Jeez, sounds like Pat Robertson.

He says God wants a "chocolate New Orleans" --maintaining the city's black majority-- saying, "You can't have New Orleans no other way." His comments are here.

How much would it suck to be HIS press person right about now.

The good news is a bunch of NOLA universities are starting up today -- including my beloved's Tulane University.