Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, February 03, 2006

3 February 2006

The Washington Post has a story today talking about what has been feared by all who love New Orleans: that as the city rebuilds it will lose its character, it's very SOUL, and be rebuilt as a cajun "themepark." Check out the story here. My partner and I are planning a trip to NOLA this spring to visit our friends there. Our friend who's teaching this semester at Tulane has a blog about what's going on in the Big Easy. The link -- A Frolic of my own -- is to the right.

3 February 2006

Ok, so this bunny is over 17 pounds -- and growing. And apparently when it stands on its hind legs, it stands nearly 3 feet tall. The german rabbit was featured at a "rabbit fair" in Berlin. (And I thought "Pigeon 2006" was weird...check out 2/28 entry.)

3 February 2006

Ok, so to celebrate the Super Bowl we're having two players fom the "Lingerie Bowl" on the show tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, the LB is a pay-per-view event that airs during half-time featuring lingerie clad women playing (tackle) football. The link is here. Fabulous.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1 February 2006

Oh man. The industry pages today are filled with comments totally dissing the pool director for last night's State of the Union speech. Brutal. Check it out here: People wrote in complaining about bad angles, bad reaction shots, shots out of focus, etc. It was brutal. And I totally know the guy.

I watched from the comfort of my bedroom. (My partner banished me there.) Strangely, I didn't miss working SOTU night -- either in the control room or up at the Capitol. Been there, done that. It's funny though -- with Bush, the White House usually has an advanced text for the media hours before the speech is actually delivered. When Clinton was in office, I remember standing the Senate TV gallery waiting for the text only to find that one was not going to be available: Clinton was in the limo ride over to the Capitol making changes to it.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

31 January 2006

Ok, according to the Washington Post, a LLAMA is on the loose in Montgomery County. That's where I live, mind you. It reportedly escaped from a farm in Darnestown. Two others -- Pokie and Riley -- have since been recovered, but Zodiac (a 7 year old male llama) is still on the loose. Fabulous.

31 January 2006

I'm amazed that people (even in the news media) are shocked at the (gasp!) PARTISANSHIP of the Alito vote. Gimme a break. Now come the stories about Justice Anthony Kennedy being the "new" Sandra Day O'Connor in terms of being the swing vote. Newsweek had one last week. WaPo has one today: here. He has apparently sided with the libs on the big issues of the day, including abortion and gay rights. Go, Tony!