Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

30 January 2007

Random thoughts:

* The girl at THIS VERY MINUTE (3:20pm eastern) is in a photo shoot with MAGIC JOHNSON in Houston, TX. How crazy is that? I can't wait to hear all about it! I also can't wait for her to come home. I've become such a wimp...just one night without her gets me all "out of sorts."

* We MAY have found a solution to Ellie's "inappropriate elimination" issues: Cat Attract litter. Some of that and the self-cleaning "Littermaid" pan and so far, so good! I think the "happy pills" don't hurt either. Mind you, it's only been a couple of days, but I'm very optimistic.

* Read this morning that my alma mater, George Washington University, is the most expensive college in the country. This according to Forbes magazine. Forbes also reports that tuition has risen a staggering 58% (!) over the past 7 years. I feel totally justified in not giving GW any money since I graduated.

* The girl and I were running around a lot this weekend, so we didn't catch much of the National Figure Skating Championships, so I didn't hear until today that Johnny Weir (who came in 3rd) skated to "Child of Nazareth" by Maxime Rodriguez, telling the story of Jesus through skating. Hi. You Tube has the video HERE. He's so over the top, I love it!

* Speaking of Johnny Weir, out skating commentator Mark Lund took a shot at Weir for not coming out of the closet publicly. Blogcritic has video of Lund's comments this past weekend HERE and a FAR more eloquent response to Lund than I could ever come up with. My two cents: What an asshole. (This topic came up during the Olympics...HERE's my post on it from last February.)

* I love National Journal's Hotline. They had this little post this morning, which made me laugh out loud:

At an afternoon send-off, Pres. Bush thanked (outgoing WH counsel) Harriet Miers and called her "the comforter" (AP).

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