Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

19 July 2006

The heat wave has somewhat broken, which means--no more getting out of mowing the lawn because it's too hot. It's hard work, but it's worth it!

19 July 2006

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to....Silver Spring! This is the sight that greets you as you go north on Colesville Road to downtown Silver Sprung--about a half-mile from our house. The shark's chomping out of Discovery Channel's Silver Spring headquarters to promote it's upcoming "Shark Week" which starts July 30th. According to the Washington Post, all of Silver Spring is getting into the act -- the AFI Silver Theatre is showing Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" through Friday. Bars and restaurants are even mixing up drinks such as the Sharktini, the Sharkbite and the Land Shark. The girl and I noticed that as we were driving home last night that blue lights light up the building at night, giving it the effect of being underwater. VERY cool.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

18 July 2006

Oprah confirmed -- in August's edition of "O" Magazine--that she's NOT gay and no, she and best friend Gayle King are not lovers. I guess there've been rumors, but I hadn't realized they'd reached the point where she had to publicly refute them. Sort of astonishing.
"The truth is, if we were gay, we would tell you, because there's nothing wrong with being gay," says King.

Says Winfrey: "Something about this relationship feels otherworldly to me, like it was designed by a power and a hand greater than my own. Whatever this friendship is, it's been a very fun ride."

The whole story is HERE.

18 July 2006

Going to be close to 100 degrees again today. Yesterday was my day off and aside from a quick trip to the grocery store, I was inside in the air conditioning most of the day. (I was still very productive tho--laundry, bills, and the girl and I cleaned out our unfinished basement--a HUGE accomplishment).

Today it was 80 degrees when I left the house for the bus stop--(on rainy or excessively hot/cold days I take a local bus down to the metro). And I hate to say it--but it was actually *pleasant.* Anyone who knows me knows my disdain for PT with the GP. (Translation: public transportation with the general public.) But today--since it was so hot and the county wants people to use public transportion instead of cars--the ride was FREE. And our bus driver thought he was a DJ--he gave us the time, date, weather forecast, thanked us for riding the Z8 bus to Silver Spring metro station, etc. It made everyone smile. That's tough to do on a muggy hot morning.