Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, December 10, 2005

10 December 2005

My cable news network held compulsory sexual harrassment seminars this week. Everyone had to go, including "talent." We all thought it was the end of cursing, the crude jokes, and 3rd grade humor. Turns out everyone is making fun of the various "scenarios" and "role playing" exercises -- and thankfully the jokes go on. I'm all for being sensitive, but nearly everyone I've met who's spent any time at all working in television has a very high tolerance for such (mostly harmless) hijinks. If we were insurance adjustors it would be a different story. But this is television news. The raunch must go on!

9 December 2005

Both my partner and I are sick. Nothing serious. Just some sniffles, and headaches, and general malaise. But it's been a tough week. We're both grouchy. But tonight I decided to treat ourselves to one of our favorite restaurants -- Colorado Kitchen. It's definitely off the beaten track, but close to the DC/Maryland line and they have the best comfort food around. (And the owner and chef is a lesbian.) I had the meatloaf and my partner had the pot roast. Add two glasses of cote du rhone and a picture window overlooking the snowy DC streets and you've got heaven. Or at least a very nice break.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

6 December 005

Washington got its first snowfall last night. There are few things more beautiful than my city covered with a dusting of the white stuff.