Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, December 30, 2006

30 December 2006

What a day. It started at 7:00am when I watched (in horror) video of Saddam Hussein getting lynched while eating my granola. (Let's just say I lost my appetite.) And ended with my helping to produce coverage of Gerald Ford's state funeral here in Washington. It was a very stirring ceremony filled with all the pomp and circumstance you'd expect from such a grand affair. It was a gorgeous, crisp late December night and the pictures from my beautiful city were stunning. But at the end of the day--we lost a president, children lost their father, and a wife lost her husband. A very strange and sad day.

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30 December 2006

A picture of me and some gay boyfriends made it into Metro Weekly. We were having a pre-holiday cocktail at the Duplex Diner (which is owned by a college classmate.) Due to copyright issues, I can't upload it here, but if you go to THIS link and scroll down to, you'll be able to find it. Picture #7.

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Friday, December 29, 2006

29 December 2006

Ok, I know it's tasteless and totally politically incorrect. But You Tube has video of the hilarious Saturday Night Live sketch where Dana Carvey is impersonating Tom Brokaw reading canned "obits" of various presidents--including Gerald Ford. A link to the video is HERE.

It's funny not only because of the complete silliness of it, but also because of the producer's interaction with the "talent." Unfortunately, the parody is not far from reality in many cases...

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

28 December 2006

It's 4:42am and here I am at work. I came in when I heard the news that Gerald Ford died and I figured the DC bureau needed a hand. (I was up anyway watching the coverage and furiously "blackberry-ing" people in the office.) We are, of course, a 24 hour news operation--but the staff is, shall we say, skeletal, this week between Christmas and New Years. It was busy when I first got in--lots of phone calls, dealing with reporters, and producers in NY...but now it's pretty quiet. It's been quite interesting meeting the "night people." The 20-year-old here with me on the desk just got up and announced she's heating up her dinner. At 4:42am.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

24 December 2006

Merry Christmas everyone! Here are some pics of our holiday decorations at the house.
I must say we did a great job.

We're running around today getting all the ingredients for our Christas dinner tomorrow with the girl's mom and her "gentleman friend." ("Boyfriend" sounds so silly when we're talking about people that are 60+). Just came back from picking up a turkey at Whole Foods--it was before 10am and it was already a zoo. The girl is doing other errands at Trader Joe's and Target--but I've elected to stay home and clean up (and avoid the chaos!)

We're having dinner tonight at Mrs. K's--conveniently located at the end of our block!

To all my family and friends--have a very, very blessed Christmas.
