Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, January 05, 2007

5 January 2007

There MAY be something to this whole global warming thing. (I'm sure the folks in Denver may disagree...) Not only was it a green Christmas in Syracuse and the weather just beautiful up's been VERY warm here. Temps are supposed to be over 70 degrees tomorrow. Even the CHERRY BLOSSOMS are starting to come out. I'm glad to read that their premature blooming won't affect them come spring. (There's a story HERE, if you're interested.)

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5 January 2007

The girl made me cupcakes to bring in to work for my birthday. Everyone is enjoying them--including the host of one of my shows who told T herself when I had her on speakerphone.

Noticed THIS post from AOL's Gay & Lesbian editor who writes about what unmarried (gay!) people call their significant other. My mom asked me this question when I was home recently. I prefer "partner" --but increasingly call T my "wife" too. My mom, much to her credit, refers to T as her daughter-in-law.

ANYWAY--reading through the article I noticed the editor is a local boy--he mentioned talking to his friends at the Duplex Diner.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

4 January 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

My day started at 4:00am in East Syracuse, New York (I caught a 6:20am flight back to DC) and went right to work since I have a show tomorrow and it's the first day of the new Congress. It was VERY early...but my mom made me breakfast (she's the BEST!), I had a nice chat with my cab driver..and I watched the sunrise from 26,000 miles up.

I'm not a huge fan of Nancy Pelosi's but I must say it did give me goosebumps when she said "To our daughters and granddaughters....the marble ceiling has been broken." I guess I have a soft spot for sassy Italian women.

But then Pelosi invited her grandchildren and others up to the rostrum to "touch her gavel" at which time we all snapped back into our 5th grade mentality and started laughing.

Spending a quiet birthday night at home with the girl catching up, eating home-made pizza, and watching "Ugly Betty." Sounds PERFECT to me.

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