Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

17 May 2006

The Go-Go's did NOT disappoint last night. They looked AWESOME (even my straight girlfriend was like "Belinda Carlisle is a hottie!") -- and sounded even better. It's the 25th anniversary of their first album "Beauty and the Beat" (which I can't even fathom) and to celebrate they sang songs from that album and of course some hits from "Vacation." The crowd (mostly filled with older women and gay men) was totally into it and singing along. It was so nice to go to a concert and a) not have some random warm-up band go on before the main act, and b) have the main act play your favorite songs (not some "newer material" that no one's ever heard of.)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

16 May 2006

It's about a month old, but I found THIS piece in the Washington Post about the efforts to get a second Birchmere venue in downtown Silver Spring. Sounds like there's momentum, but as they say--the devil's in the details.

Tony Snow held his first on camera press briefing today. I thought he did really well -- better than I thought, to be honest. He understood the issues, actually ANSWERED questions, was honest when he DIDN'T know the answers, and showed a sense of humor. It was just "zippier." He also had an emotional moment when he was asked about his cancer scare. He actually teared up. Fox has the video HERE.

Going to see the 80s girl band -- The Go-Go's -- tonight at the 930 Club. They've all had ALOT of work, but they all look pretty darn good. (Especially my girl, Belinda!) Going with a dear friend from Syracuse who now lives in my neighborhood. We were ALL about the Go-Go's back in the day. I'm driving because she says she and her husband just got a new minivan and she just can't bear being seen driving to the club in it. Good call.

The Go-Go's NOW:

Vintage Go-Gos:

Monday, May 15, 2006

15 May 2006

Turned out to be just a gorgeous day. Got in 9 holes at Sligo and played the course by myself, which was awesome. (I gave myself a mulligan or two or 5.)

Meanwhile--I have a hot date with a recliner and a crossword puzzle.

BTW, is it normal to be in love with a piece of furniture?

15 May 2006

The girl is home. Ellie is back to "normal." All is right with the world. Our furry daughter gets all out of sorts when one of us isn't home. Anything that upsets her little "routine" totally throws her off and she (ahem) "acts out." Read: inappropriate urination. Good times.

Further evidence that Ellie's feeling like herself again:

I was alone most of yesterday, so alot of Monday "chores" are already done. (Cleaning up, laundry, mowing the lawn, etc.)

It was SUPPOSED to rain -- but the sun is shining through occasionally, and according to the forecast, it might not rain until later on tonight. All this adds up to: GOLF! I think I'll hit the public course right near us for a quick 9. (And then go grocery shopping!)