Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Thursday, July 27, 2006

27 July 2006

I have to chuckle because my (rather young and attractive) Associate Producer is field producing an interview with Wynona Judd right now at the Verizon Center downtown. Wynona's in town to perform halftime at the Washington Mystics game to benefit the YouthAids Youth Forum (which is very cool.) But the Mystics--of course--is our WNBA team, which means that arena is going to chock FULL of lesbians in about an hour's time. I advised my AP to bring a can of mace and a baseball bat.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

26 July 2006

Ooh. This just in. Just got a press release from the Museum of Sex (yes, I SOMEHOW made the press list) -- announcing that on August 9th, the Museum will unveil a BUST (insert 3rd grade joke here) of Hillary Clinton.

From the release: "Artist Daniel Edwards describes this new sculpture as capturing Clinton “with her head held high, a youthful spirit and a face matured by wisdom. Presented in a low cut gown, her cleavage is on display prominently portraying sexual power which some people still consider too threatening.”...


26 July 2006

My gay boyfriends are so excited that Lance Bass (of the boy band N'Sync) finally came out of the closet. He's also working on a pilot with former bandmate Joey Fatone based on the "Odd Couple" -- in which (as luck would have it) one of the characters is openly gay. Check out the full story HERE.

Speaking of gay celebs--word is Rosie O'Donnell booked Jessica Simpson as the main guest on her first day hosting "The View" (which is Sept. 5th.) That's what we call in the "biz" a GOOD GET. The story is HERE.

26 July 2006

Just getting back into the swing of things after spending the weekend at the Jersey Shore. Among the highlights: riding this GIANT ferris wheel at Ocean City, NJ...playing frisbee on the beach with the girl...sleeping in late...walking around (kind of tipsy) in Stone Harbor with the girl (including stops for mini-golf and homemade ice cream)...and getting fresh corn and blueberries at a roadside farm stand.