Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11 July 2006

Think I'm getting a summer cold. Good times. It's no wonder -- I've been on the go alot lately.

Went to Syracuse for the 4th, which was awesome---just not very restful. Lots of family events & entertaining (including my mom's birthday!). Then when I returned to DC, work was very busy. Early mornings, late evenings, very busy days. Then we had a birthday party Saturday night for a very dear friend--an event I attended after working an 11 hour day. At least I had a relaxing day at home with the girl Sunday. Reading, napping, cuddling, cooking out. It was so nice to be around the house--doing nothing!

A couple of Silver Sprung items:

1) The oh-so-hip DCist website--running a bit about Silver Spring "Envy." Read about it HERE. I was hoping to keep Silver Spring's "cool factor" somewhat of a secret (it's hard enough to get a table for dinner on a Friday night downtown)--but it's nice to see my little hamlet getting some play on the "hip" blogs.

2) The 4th of July picnic in nearby Garrett Park (in Montgomery County) devolves into a political correctness seminar. It was a "pig roast" -- that (naturally) was the subject of a protest by some crazy vegetarian. A man--clad only in an apron--with a pig nose and an apple in his mouth--showed up at the picnic and made a scene. The sight apparently traumatized the neighborhood kids and pissed off the parents. Classic. The Washington Post has a write-up about the story HERE.


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