Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

27 June 2006

Rain, rain go away! BLEH!

I feel like I'm living in the Amazon. It's downright tropical here. Steamy, wet, rainy, everything overgrown. It's absolutely gross.

We managed to keep the basement relatively dry throughout this ordeal. The first two nights were fine. But last night was quite challenging. The water started seeping into our basement under the door from the garage--so out came the wet vac. But it kept coming...and coming. So I ran outside to see what was going on with the drain -- it was completely overwhelmed, water up to above my ankles. My neighbor took pity on me and helped me bail it out -- he with a pail, me with a plastic trashcan. After about a half an hour we managed to bring the water down and the drain started working again. When I came back in, wet, muddy, back sore, TC had the wet vac going and the basement was completely dry. We vowed to deliver a lasagna and some wine to our gallant neighbor.

We're expecting one more night of this. Keep your fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, here's a interesting bit from a member of the White House press corps about how the White House has been impacted by all the rain...including various leaks in the press room and how a tree (planted by Teddy Roosevelt, no less) toppled over on the White House lawn. Check it out HERE.

Interestingly, the good folks at Reuters discovered that the Roosevelt tree is the same one that's on the $20 bill.


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