Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

20 June 2006

Random Thoughts:

* SHAMLESS PLUG ALERT! So flattered that my friend -- and blogging inspiration--"Frolic" has added "Sprung" to his "blogroll" on his site. Please check out his blog, "A Frolic of my Own" HERE. His writing is nothing short of masterful. And it's ESSENTIAL if you want to know what's going on in New Orleans. (Note to Frolic: switched templates and my "links" went away for some reason--will figure out how to get it back so I can post your link up there full time!)

* It's summer in Washington. I know, I know, TOMORROW's the official start of summer, but it had all the signs today: a) heat and humidity to the point that you need a shower by the time you get to work, b) clueless tourists causing backups at the metro, and c) interns, interns, everywhere.

* Loved the story today about how the Pentagon STILL classifying homosexuality as a "mental disorder." Good times. You can read the story HERE. (By the by...The American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was not a disorder in 1973, and since then all other major health and mental-health organizations have followed suit. I'm glad the Defense Department is FINALLY getting with it. (On the list of things wrong with the Pentagon, this is barely a "blip" on the radar screen, but still--I'm encouraged.)

* I'm sad to hear about the wildfires in Northern Arizona, specifically Oak Creek Canyon. It's a breathtakingly beautiful area just north of Sedona. One cable news channel inteviewed the mayor of Sedona about the wildfires and if the "vortexes" were in jeopardy. (Not sure exactly what they are, but thankfully, they are NOT in danger.) The fires are apparently moving north away from Sedona. You can check out updates HERE.

* Is it me, or is the Situation Room on CNN, like, 6 hours long?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, I'm blushing.

5:01 PM  

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