Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, October 13, 2006

13 October 2006

* Our new cleaning lady accidentially locked our cat, Ellie, in the girl's closet (by accident) yesterday. I got suspicious because Ellie usually runs (or "lumbers" in Ellie's case) to greet me when I get home from work--yesterday, nothing. So I called her and heared a muffled "mew" from upstairs. I opened up the closet door and out she sprang. She was fairly traumatized, but she eventually bounced back. (After lots of pets and Pounce treats.) She did "relieve herself" --as it were-- in the closet--but I was able to clean it up without much fuss. (And thank GOD she didn't get the girl's skates!)

* Noticed that Buffalo got 2 feet of snow yesterday. Looks like Syracuse missed it. It would have made my mom REALLY bitter.

* In searching to see if Syracuse got any snow, I came across THIS story about GoogleTrends--the words Syracusans search for the most using the ubiquitous search engine. The top words: Hillary Clinton, Carmelo Anthony (former SU basketball star), NY Yankees AND (no surprise here) snowfall, snowplow, and snow tires.


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