Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

10 January 2006

Random thoughts:

* Whatever warm weather we've been having is definitely OVER. I went to get some lunch a little while ago and it was blustery and it was JANUARY or something! (Meanwhile they are getting LOTS of snow in Syracuse, I hear.)

* Gearing up for Bush's speech tonight on "a new way forward" in Iraq. The White House just released some excerpts to the news media. After a quick read it doesn't look like anything "new" to me--or anyone else in Washington. I was only a baby when Vietnam started to unravel--but the mood here in DC (and around the country) must be the same. The problem is--in this age of terrorism--the stakes are MUCH higher.

* The news out of New Orleans is depressing. The violence is getting completely out of control. Reading B.Rox and Frolic is absolutely heart-breaking. There will be a march on city hall tomorrow.

* On a much LIGHTER note--the girl is in the throes of choreographing several skating routines for her students--which means lots of "teen" and "tween" music in our house. Forget Hillary Duff. Apparently Hanna Montana is the new Disney "IT" girl. I'm sadly VERY familitar with her song "Pumping up the Party." The girl played it non-stop in our house for about an hour and half last night. (I was even humming it at work today.) I'm not complaining--it's just extremely entertaining to me. Oh, and here's a fun fact: she's the daughter of Billy Ray "Achey Breakey" Cyrus.

* Had to send our living room rug out to be professionally cleaned after our cat had another "accident." She is known to have some "separation anxiety" -- so when I saw in the Los Angeles Times today that vets are prescribing Prozac for pets, I did some reading. I also looked at OTHER remedies--including cat MASSAGE. There's even a website with VIDEOS on how to do it. Troubling. Especially the picture at the top of the website of the cats massaging EACH OTHER.

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