Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

29 January 2008

On the heels of my last post, I have yet another story involving a strange (but well meaning?) viewer--and a pretty blonde correspondent.

This reporter just emailed me to tell me that while she was sitting in one of our satellite trucks in Tampa, Florida (she's covering the primary today), a man got into the truck via the passenger door and thrust 3 (as she puts it) "rat-like" animals in her face. He says they were an animal called a "sugar glider." The man said he just saw her on televison and wanted to bring these animals to her to see if she wanted to pet them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one creepy little critter! Don't bring one home to Mommy! Loved your crock pot story and how you didn't learn to cook from me........

PS Glad to hear you are finally comfortable and productive in the kitchen as well as the control room.

2:07 PM  

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