Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

1 January 2008

Happy 2008!

I'm not big into resolutions. I have some goals, things I'd like to refine and do better. Among them: keep up with the blogging.

I didn't think anyone besides my partner and my mother actually read this thing, but enough of you have said they've missed my posts, so I promise to do better.

Meanwhile--I'm here at work on this New Year's Day. It's the longest day ever. Very slow--despite the Iowa caucuses being two days away. My only consolation: I'm not in Iowa.


Blogger Unknown said...

I read your posts!!!

12:32 AM  

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