Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Saturday, March 17, 2007

17 March 2007

Random Thoughts (St. Patrick's Day edition)

Wow--lots to catch up on. Here are the highlights:

* I've got a new job. Well, sort of. It's at my same employer-but I'm taking on a new show (while keeping the old one.) I'm in the midst of the transition, and I feel good about it. The best part: I'm TOTALLY off weekends now! (Praise Jesus!)

* Gram update: she's out of the rehabilitation facility and is now back with my mom at their Florida house. She's using her walker and getting along pretty well. She's just so happy (and so are WE!) to be out of a medical facility and back into familiar surroundings. Both an occupational and physical therapist are coming in to see her a couple of times of week to make sure she stays on track. But as she is fond of saying, there is still PLENTY of kick in the old girl. Thanks for the good wishes and prayers.

* In the midst of my job transition--the girl and I made a quick trip to New York to see a taping of "The View." (Her mom gave us long-standing tickets.) We took the train back and forth, which worked out well. With the exception of the inexplicably long wait to actually get into the studio-the experience was quite fun. The show airs NEXT Friday, March 23, for those of you inclined to tune in. It was fun to see how a non-news show is put together and see how many cameras they use, see their shots, see how the sets are moved, see how much prompter they have, etc. (I wish I could have gotten into the control room.) It was fun to see "the girls" in person and I even got to ask Rosie O'Donnell a question (she takes them during the commercial breaks.) She's much prettier (and thinner) in person, believe it or not. She's quite personable, as you can imagine, but I find her "preachiness" a little much. Actress Joely Fisher (and her breasts-she was obviously showing them off after some "enhancement") was the guest host and country singer Tim McGraw performed. I was sorry to miss Barbara Walters, but we each got a $100 gift certificate to Hanes and the book "You on a Diet" (that I already had, but will definitely "re-gift.") The only bad part was at the end of the taping there was ANOTHER lengthy process--this time getting OUT of the studio. We were in a major rush to get out to catch the train back to DC and so with some cajoling of the audience coordinator, we snuck out. (Actually, the girl cajoled--I was mumbling something about unlawful imprisonment.)

* Getting ready for our big cruise, which is NEXT WEEKEND already. We're tying up loose ends and getting some last minute items together. I'm very excited to have some time off with the girl after a busy skating season and with my very busy transition here at work. Of course I can't wait for the lazy days at sea and the exotic ports of call--butI'm REALLY looking forward to being being virtually UNREACHABLE. (A new experience for me after being tied to my blackberry.)


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