Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14 February 2007

Random thoughts: Valentine's Day Edition

* The girl and I are spending a quiet Valentine's Day at home. We usually boycott all the trappings of this Hallmark-inspired holiday anyway--but the bad weather just solidified our plans to celebrate quietly in our warm, cozy homestead. I did succumb to guilt/peer pressure and got her flowers that were delivered to her at her work. It helps that the florist I like to use is right across the street from her clinic--no delivery charges!

* Snow and ice are covering most of DC and the surrounding suburbs today. There's about 3-4" of slush everywhere--the roads are passable, but will ice up as soon as the sun goes down. The side streets are a mess, too. I'm SO glad we didn't lose power--I heard on the radio that there was a big ice storm in '99 that knocked out power in Montgomery County for a week. I bought two bundles of wood, just in case.

* We're totally hooked on this new TLC show, "Little People, Big World" about two dwarf parents and their family (The Roloff's). (I've learned "midget" is politically incorrect.) I'm not sure what the allure is--but it's a very charming show. I mean, once the curiosity factor is over, you realize their lives are normal--even mundane. But it's STILL interesting and fun to watch. (Special bonus: click on the link above for the show and you can play GAMES about the Roloff family!)

* We discovered a new, favorite pizza place. We still love our Manny & Olga's for takeout, of course...but we love Ledo's for dining in. It is an LEGENDARY in DC (it's always advertised during the Redskins games) and now we know why.

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