Life in the Sprung

Life. Life's absurdities. And TV news in the most powerful city in the world. Blogging 8 miles north of the White House

Friday, March 03, 2006

3 March 2006

We're going to Arizona in a few weeks for five glorious days. And we're considering options for Ellie, our glorious furry daughter. It's too long of a time for our friends to come over and feed her, so we're considering taking her to "kitty camp" --i.e. the vet or some other overnight facility. (Which she hates.) But then we got a postcard in the mail about a Pet HOTEL run by PetSmart. There's a brand new one in Bethesda, so we're going on a tour Sunday (upon which we will receive a free night's day for Ellie.) I just went to the website to see what it was all about.

Sounds nice: "Pets have access to amenities such as televisions (tuned to pet-themed shows), poochy cots, and hypoallergenic lambskin blankets. Our feline guests stay in a section of PetSmart PetsHotel called kitty cottages, complete with kitty condos that include a wide view of the hotel so pets can "watch the world." To reduce stress on both cats and dogs, kitty cottages is separate from the dog rooms - there are even separate air systems to prevent dogs and cats from picking up each other's scent. Air is circulated at least three times an hour for guests' breathing pleasure."

Oh, and there's more: "During your pet's stay, we understand that you may want to check in on your little one to see how she's doing. That's why we offer pets and parents the ability to chat on the phone in our Bone Booth during lobby hours and at no charge. We'll bring your pet to the phone so you can hear her bark or meow, and she can hear your voice. It's nice to know you're just a phone call away.

Want to know how your pet behaved while at PetSmart PetsHotel? Each pet's daily activities are continuously monitored on activity sheets by Pet Care Specialists - providing you with a detailed record of your pet's stay."

Now THAT will be real page turner:

9:00am Ellie wakes. Meows wildly looking for food.
9:10am Ellie goes back to sleep.
10:25am Ellie licks herself.
1:00pm Ellie looks around, sees no food, goes back to sleep.
And on and on and on....



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